
Holy Family JNS

River Valley Swords

River Valley, Swords, Co. Dublin, Charity Number 20119300
Ms. Mary McNally, Principal

+353 1 840 4394admin@holyfamilyjns.ie

Active Week 2024

Active Week took place in HFJNS from the 27th to the 31st of May 2024. Click here for videos.

During this week, the children took part in a range of activities from dancing in the hall, a sport themed ‘Scavenger Hunt’ around the school grounds, Sport’s Days, 2k a day walks around River Valley and even got Active for their homework!

We had a ‘Drop Everything and Dance’ time every day where music was played over the intercom for the children to have a movement break and dance!  

On the final day of Active Week, we held our Annual Sponsored Jog. We were delighted to welcome back our parent spectators to this event and the children really enjoyed all the claps, cheers and encouragement. 

We are very grateful for all your support. Many thanks to Ms. Culleton (PE Co-Ordinator) for organising a great week.