
Holy Family JNS

River Valley Swords

River Valley, Swords, Co. Dublin, Charity Number 20119300
Ms. Mary McNally, Principal

+353 1 840 4394admin@holyfamilyjns.ie

Newsletter June 2024

Welcome to our Term 3 Newsletter! We have had an eventful and busy third term. The Second classes celebrated the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. All year groups went on School Tour and participated in Active Week, Sports Day and the Sponsored Jog. We were successful in securing our 5th Green Flag for Biodiversity, well done to all involved. Our incoming Junior Infants visited the school to see their classrooms and meet their teachers. We wish all the Second Class children best wishes as they leave us to go to Holy Family Senior School. They marked the end of their journey with us at their Graduation mass which was celebrated by Fr. Des and Fr. Sanjeev. We wish Fr. Des all the best as he leaves St. Finian's to pastures new after 11 years. A special thank you to the Parents Association for their hard work, commitment and dedication to the school.


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