
Holy Family JNS

River Valley Swords

River Valley, Swords, Co. Dublin, Charity Number 20119300
Ms. Mary McNally, Principal

+353 1 840 4394admin@holyfamilyjns.ie

STEM Week 2025

We recently celebrated STEM Week in school. This focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We had lots of fun games and activities planned. 

Some parents volunteered to come into the classrooms and explain how STEM plays a role in their work. The children really enjoyed this and were engaged throughout. Thank you to all who played a part.
The Second classes paired up with the Junior Infants while the First classes joined the Senior Infants for Maths games. The children worked together to play games. The children really enjoyed mixing with other children from different year groups. We ran a colouring and poster competition also. 
Click here for some pictures!